How to Create Mobile Content that Will Win You Customers

The science is in; mobile is everywhere, and it’s becoming a crucial part of the content writing mix. The average mobile content consumption has doubled in the past few years, and half of the internet searches are done via mobile devices.

create mobile content

Keeping up with this trend has proven to be a real challenge for IT companies in Vancouver who desire to engage their audience on all channels. While having a responsive website is crucial, you should not forget the importance that comes with adapting “traditional” digital content to mobile devices.

But, creating content for mobile takes a totally different twist from the traditional reading on a desktop. In this article, you will find a few tricks that will teach you how to create mobile content that is sure to win your customers’ hearts.

Stick with Short and Catchy But Do Not Cut on the Essentials
When it comes to mobile content, the first golden rule content writers need to bear in mind is: there’s not that much space to be filled in on that tiny little screen. The content you provide should be well adapted to the “space” restrictions that mobiles hold. Otherwise, not many will appreciate your content, as great as it might be. If words are not that necessary, or, you could simply rephrase a long, heavy line into a simpler and shorter one, then just go for it.

Although there are plenty who advice mobile content writers to make their articles as short as possible, that is not always possible neither advisable. Long articles are harder to read through a mobile device, but rather than cutting essential information out of your article, try instead to go for a smarter approach to “squeezing” what you want to say.

Given that users are more inclined to be task oriented when using their mobiles, the necessity to go short in your phrasing is imperious as well. Break up that information into readable chunks, stick to easy to grab information that is presented in short phrases and paragraphs and just cut the unnecessary “filling” words. Feel free to use bullet points and anything that gives your content an overall lighter, friendlier appearance for the eye.

Have the Interesting Stuff Front Loaded
Since everything’s tighter on that mobile screen, it should only come naturally that the good things must come first. So take the time to think them through and get that reader’s attention with some front loaded catchy and suggestive lines. That way, you can make sure they’re going to read the entire piece. If you start with boring lines, they will not be compelled to read any further.

Keep in Mind What the Eyes See First
If for a traditional desktop reading, we mainly focus on an F-shaped pattern, when it comes to scrolling down our phones, what we see first is the center and top half of the screen – as this study from Briggs by suggests. Keep this in mind and try to visualize everything that’s most important about your text in this area of the screen. It is where the title, headlines and the main body of the text are, so focus on making them as catchy as possible.

Approach Your Readers with a Conversational Friendly Tone
Wrapping your thoughts in an approachable, easy to grasp writing style has become a must-have, must-do for all content writers. It is very important to let your message come across easily to as many people as possible if you want to keep them engaged. When it comes to mobile content, information has to be even easier to understand and absorb than through other reading devices.

Try to go for a conversational, lighthearted tone. Just try to cut the jargons as much as possible. Plain language is all about translating those heavy, confusing terms and expression styles into more conversational ones.

If necessary, you can break down a subject into several parts to be treated in different posts and try writing as if you would be having a casual conversation on the subject with someone close. Keeping your sentences short and upbeat overall will surely be helpful as well.

To summarize, mobile content should not be limping around without all the relevant and important information your audience needs. Focus on keeping all those valuable nuggets of wisdom and just practice the skill of rephrasing into shorter and lighter text and keep everything friendly and engaging. Your readers will pay you back with loyalty.