7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Internet Performance

Are you experiencing slow speeds with your wireless network? Slow unrealizable speeds, flaky connections can make…

Breaking the security of Wi-Fi networks worldwide

Rumors began Sunday night, but by Monday morning the worst omens have come true. Belgian researcher…

Microsoft wants to give the internet using the signal that the televisions no longer use

A new Microsoft project wants to connect the Internet to rural areas using radio frequencies that…

Here’s when it makes Sense to Contact an IT Solutions Provider

Does it ever make sense to address an IT concern on your own? Are you better…

The Internet of Things Is Taking Canada by Storm – Is Your Business Ready?

A wastewater treatment facility operator gets notified via a smartphone app that an automated pump is…

Importance of VPN and benefits of its use for 2016

Imagine having a virtual private network for your phone, tablet or PC. To understand this it…

Oracle will end the Java Plugin for Browsers

Oracle has announced that it will put an end to the Java plugin for web browsers,…

Google Chrome already allows to mute tabs individually

Google Chrome wants the user to have as much control over the contents is reproduced through…

5 tips to maintain the security of your browser

Total security is something unattainable, even so the user always has ways to keep that safety…

Beyondpad, a balanced mix between Google Keep and Evernote

If you like the style of Google Keep but the application falls to short; if you…