Apple HomePod, 7 limitations to overcome

The Apple’s love and hate story with the speakers comes from long. Years ago they had…

Google fixes its ‘racist’ algorithm by deleting the gorillas

In June 2015, a user of Google Photos discovered that the program labeled his black friends…

Huawei Mate 10: Artificial intelligence in the mobile

In recent months we have found smartphones flagship with prices close to and even higher than…

WattUp: Remote wireless charging for devices

For a couple of years, an unknown Energous Corporation has been trying to introduce WattUp in…

YI 4K+, competition of the GoPro Hero 6, but more economical

YI is to the world of action cameras, what Xiaomi to mobile. In fact, YI is…

How To Protect Your Personal Data From Hacks

While technology makes things more convenient for us, it also exposes more people to risks, most…

LG Big Role in Groundbreaking OLED Technology

Over recent years, there have been many advancements in the world of technology. This not just…

Protecting your mobile phone – Top tips for looking after your tech

These days, not many of us want to be without our mobile phones for any length…

Apple laptops have an (unexpected) problem with the dust

More problems for the new generations of MacBook, where their keys are stuck by the accumulation…

Breaking the security of Wi-Fi networks worldwide

Rumors began Sunday night, but by Monday morning the worst omens have come true. Belgian researcher…