The Top Reasons to Use a Website Builder

Whether you are starting your own online company or your brick and mortar company needs an…

BlindShell, the first mobile phone with touch screen designed for the blind

Why a blind must depend on a mechanical keyboard to use their phone if it is…

Skype no longer allows sharing files over 100MB

The known VoIP system from Microsoft remains one of the most popular and used both professionally…

Retail Brands Use Technology To Improve Consumer Experience

Retail advertising and marketing are now highly connected to technology because of a really simple reason:…

It will be Google Trips, travel organizer which prepares Google

Google is about to launch a new application to help users organize their trips. Google Trips…

The Coolest Galaxy Isn’t Found In Store

You might be surprised to hear that Samsung – not Apple – has sold more phones…

Info About Buying a Domain Name

Starting your own website involves many different steps. One of the most important of these is…

Different Uses of Smartphones For Present World

The reasons for the sales of smart phones touching the sky over the past few years…

Seeing AI: Application that describes the world to the blind persons

The Redmond giant has succeeded in giving shape to an event build very interesting and as…

Holoportation, a marvel backed by HoloLens

The people of Microsoft Research has surprised us with this fantastic video where we can see…