Why all businesses must care about cyber security this month
All countries governments around the world have nominated this October month as the cyber security awareness…
Microsoft launches Band, a smart sports bracelet
Microsoft launched a device called “Microsoft Band” that allow users to monitor their fitness and exercise…
The plane without windows taking shape
The future made present. A British aerospace company showed pictures of how their project will create…
HTC introduces Desire Eye, a smartphone designed for ‘selfies’
The Taiwanese company HTC China – in New York presented its new flagship Desire EYE, a…
A Toshiba prototype to compete with Google Glass
The Ceatec Exhibition in 2014 has closed its doors in Tokyo. This great event of electronics…
Bionic Bird: Electronic bird is ready to take off
Connected devices invade the lives of billions of users and seem about to also colonize the…
Ensure You Have Sufficient Battery Backup With A Reliable UPS
Ideally, a business should keep running even if the power goes out. As an owner, you…
Google presents Inbox to complement Gmail
The email began as a simple mechanism to send digital notes in the office. But since…