New technology details of Final Fantasy XV
The graphics engine of Final Fantasy XV, known as Luminous Engine, has managed to leave us…
HP Pavilion X2 10, sample 2 in 1 with Windows 10
Microsoft and its partners are presenting at the Asian fair sample of the equipment that come…
Office 2016 Public Preview, available for download
Office 2016 Public Preview, trial version in beta of the next edition of the Microsoft Office…
Samsung will soon begin to produce SoCs in 10nm
The Korean giant unstoppable continues its advance and has announced it will soon be completely ready…
Retro Freak: The new retro console that can handle (almost) everything
The Retro Freak – nice name – is another of those magical consoles that use cartridges…
Gloveone: Glove to touch and feel the virtual reality
While waiting for all those virtual reality helmets that promise us new ways of relating to…
Apple iPad Pro: Bluetooth stylus, Force Touch, USB-C, NFC and more
The rumored iPad Pro that Apple is developing, would be more than a large tablet with…
Intel release Compute Stick
Intel announced launch of the Pocket PC Intel Compute Stick, in versions with Windows and Linux…
HP announces new workstations and professional monitors
The company has unveiled new technological advances created to help artists, creatives and developers to have…
New aluminum batteries that recharge in 60 seconds
The researchers at Stanford University, US, have been conducting a series of tests with aluminum batteries…